Developing a Sustainable Future

Our line of biodegradable products can help protect your crops from pests and dust, improve the quality of your harvest, and at the same time comply with food safety regulations, reduce your environmental footprint, and preserve the biodiversity of your environment. Engineering and domestic manufacturing.

Our Story

We develop biodegradable industrial products to help your company meet the challenge of more sustainable management.

Timeline 1 Biometil
May 2009

Biometil is officially established, collecting oil from the first local restaurants to produce biodiesel.

Minería timeline somos
November 2010

We enter the mining sector with our first drilling additives made from used vegetable oil: Drill Lub.

Construccion biometil (1)
June 2011

We create Biolinol, a concrete mold release agent, marking our entry into the construction industry.

Agricultura Timeline Somos Biometil
March 2012

We develop Biolive, an agricultural adjuvant, as our first product for the agricultural sector.

Mudanza Timeline Somos Biometil
February 2019

We move to new facilities, increasing our production capacity.

Explotools timeline biometil
April 2020

Biometil enters the tools market as the northern region representative of the Explotools brand.


Our Purpose

Innovation: We constantly innovate to create high-quality formulas that help minimize environmental impact.

Good Practices: We promote best practices within and across the entire operational chain.

Education and Awareness: We advocate for education and awareness in communities, believing that together, we can achieve more.

Join our purpose!

Juan Pablo Hevia

Gerente General

Ingeniero mecánico, con más de 15 años de experiencia desarrollando fórmulas sostenibles para el desarrollo de las industrias.

En su tesis planteó la idea de crear productos nuevos a partir de los residuos del aceite de cocina, la cual ha ido perfeccionando en el tiempo, tras desarrollar una amplia gama de productos.

Alexis Mondaca

Subgerente de Operaciones y Ventas

Su experiencia en operaciones y ventas en rubros diferentes al nuestro, trajo una perspectiva innovadora. La que ha sido
clave a la hora de implementar mejoras significativas en nuestro negocio.

Su foco está en la optimización de nuestras operaciones y en la expansión del alcance comercial, sin perder de vista nuestro objetivo principal, la sostenibilidad.

Paulina Nicolodi

Gerente de Administración y Finanzas

Ingeniera comercial con una vasta experiencia en marketing y ventas tanto en marcas nacionales como internacionales. Se sumó a nuestro equipo hace 6 años, aportando iniciativas que han ayudado a la transformar la gestión financiera de nuestra compañía, fortaleciendo nuestra posición en el mercado.

Nuestro Equipo

Biometil cuenta un gran equipo de profesionales dispuestos a realizar los mejores productos,

Sustainability and patents

We manage waste and transform it into high-quality products. This is how we address the environmental challenge of reducing water pollution, promoting resource efficiency, stimulating innovation, and driving economic development.



We offer biodegradable solutions based on the principles of a circular economy.



Our products are protected by invention patents.

Reforestation Action

This is a campaign we created to improve eroded soils in exchange for the plastic packaging of our products.

Related products



Drilling lubricant


Mud viscosity agent


Inner tube lubricant

Let’s Talk!

Contact us, and we will respond within 24 hours. Alternatively, feel free to call us at +56 9 87474447

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